Signum Documentation

The documentation comes from the Markdown files in the source code, so is always up-to-date but available only in English. Enjoy!

Paste your Framework commit SHA

Release 2.7

New Rules

Rule ID Category Severity Notes
SF0001 Expressions Warning AutoExpressionFieldAnalyzer
SF0002 Expressions Warning ExpressionFieldAnalyzer
SF0003 Lite Error LiteEqualityAnalyzer
SF0004 Lite Error LiteCastAnalyzer

Release 3.0

Changed Rules

Rule ID Category Severity Notes
SF0004 Lite Error Fix Pattern mathing

Release 3.1

Changed Rules

Rule ID Category Severity Notes
SF0004 Lite Error Fix Pattern mathing for case statement and case expression

Release 3.2

New Rules

Rule ID Category Severity Notes
SF0031 Lite Warning LiteEqualityAnalyzer (Lite == Lite)
SF0032 Lite Warning LiteEqualityAnalyzer (Entity == Entity)
SF0033 Lite Error LiteEqualityAnalyzer (Lite == Entity)
SF0034 Lite Error LiteEqualityAnalyzer (Lite == Lite)