The documentation comes from the Markdown files in the source code, so is always up-to-date but available only in English. Enjoy!
, on the other hand, is the DirectedGraph's sibling with the ability to store information in the edges.
Internally, the data structure still being an adjacency list, but instead of dictionaries of hashset its implemented with a dictionary of dictionaries: Dictionary<T, Dictionary<T, E>>
public class DirectedEdgedGraph<T,E>: IEnumerable<T>
//The only state, every node in the graph has to be key in the dictionary, even if has no connections (empty Dictionary)
Dictionary<T, Dictionary<T, E>> adjacency = new Dictionary<T, Dictionary<T, E>>();
public IEqualityComparer<T> Comparer { get; private set; }
public DirectedEdgedGraph()
public DirectedEdgedGraph(IEqualityComparer<T> comparer)
public IEnumerable<T> Nodes; //Iterates over all the nodes (dictionary keys)
public IEnumerable<Edge<T>> Edges //Returns new Edge<T> objects for every relationship with no value
public IEnumerable<Edge<T, E>> LabeledEdges //Returns new Edge<T,E> objects for every relationship with value
public int Count //Total count of nodes
public int EdgesCount //total count of edges
public bool Contains(T node) //returns true if a node exists in the graph
//returns true if there's a direct edge between 'from' node and 'to' node.
public bool Connected(T from, T to) //if !Contains(from) throws InvalidOperationException
public bool TryConnected(T from, T to) //if !Contains(from) returns false
public void Add(T from) //Adds a node with no edge
public void Add(T from, T to, E value) //Adds from, node, and an edge between them (if edge exists value is overridden)
public void Add(T from, params KeyValuePair<T,E>[] elements) //Adds from, elements, and edge from 'from' to every element (if edge exists value is overridden)
public void Add(T from, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<T, E>> elements) //Adds from, elements, and edge from 'from' to every element (if edge exist value is overridden)
public bool Remove(T from, T to) //Removes the edge between from and edge
public bool Remove(Edge<T> edge) //Removes the edge in the graph (value not necessary)
public void RemoveAll(IEnumerable<Edge<T>> edges) //Removes all the edges in the graph (value not necessary)
public bool RemoveFullNode(T node) //Completely removes the node, with all the in and out edges (costly)
//Completely removes the node if inverseRelated is all the nodes that have an edge TO node. Unsafe but faster.
public bool RemoveFullNode(T node, IEnumerable<T> inverseRelated)
//Returns all the out connections of node and the values. DO NOT modify the HashSet
public Dictionary<T,E> RelatedTo(T node) //If node is not in the graph throws InvalidOperationException
public Dictionary<T> TryRelatedTo(T node) //If node is not in the graph returns empty HashSet
public IEnumerable<T> InverseRelatedTo(T node) //Returns all the nodes that have a connection TO node (costly).
//Explores recursively all the connected nodes starting from 'node', returning all nodes that could be reached, directly or indirectly.
public HashSet<T> IndirectlyRelatedTo(T node)
//Explores recursively all the connected nodes starting from 'node' that satisfies a condition
//returning all nodes that could be reached, directly or indirectly that no also satisfies the condition but so do all the intermediate nodes
public HashSet<T> IndirectlyRelatedTo(T node, Func<KeyValuePair<T,E>, bool> condition)
//Explores all the nodes using a depth first approach.
//Test condition, executes preAction, explore children, executes postAction
public void DepthExplore(T node, Func<T, bool> condition, Action<T> preAction, Action<T> postAction)
//Explores all the nodes indirectly related to node that satisfy the condition in breath-first.
public void BreadthExplore(T root, Func<T, bool> condition, Action<T> action)
public DirectedEdgedGraph<T> Inverse() //Creates a new graph with the same nodes, but with all the edges inverted
//Creates a new graph with the same nodes and all the directed edges duplicated in both directions
public DirectedEdgedGraph<T> UndirectedGraph()
public void UnionWith(DirectedEdgedGraph<T> other) //Adds every node and edge in 'other' to the current instance
public DirectedEdgedGraph<T> Clone() //Clones this instance creating a new DirectedEdgedGraph
//Adds node, and all the nodes and relationships that can be found applying expandFunction recursively
public void Expand(T node, Func<T, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<T, E>>> expandFunction)
public override string ToString() //Returns a string representation of the graph
public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator() //Enumerates all the nodes
public IEnumerable<T> CompilationOrder() //Returns a CompilationOrder given the dependencies of the graph
//Returns a CompilationOrder grouped by elements that could be 'compiled' at the same time.
public IEnumerable<HashSet<T>> CompilationOrderGroups()
public DirectedEdgedGraph<T> FeedbackEdgeSet() //Small set of edges that, if removed, will make the graph acyclic
//Creates a new graph with the same nodes but only the edges that satisfy condition
public DirectedEdgedGraph<T> WhereEdges(Func<Edge<T>, bool> condition)
//Finds the shortest path from 'from' to 'to' given the weight of each edge
public List<T> ShortestPath(T from, T to, Func<E, int> getWeight)
//Creates a Graphviz compatible string representing the graph New in 2.0
//It will possibly be deprecated in next version in favor of VS2010 DGMLs
public string Graphviz()
public string Graphviz(string name)
// == Static Methods ==
//If 'inverse' is the inverse graph of 'original', completely removes node from both graphs (fast)
public static void RemoveFullNodeSymetric(DirectedEdgedGraph<T> original, DirectedEdgedGraph<T> inverse, T node)
//Generates a new graph given a root element (or roots) and a expandFunction to explore all the relationships recursively. Optional equalityComparer
public static DirectedEdgedGraph<T> Generate(T root, Func<T,IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<T, E>>> expandFunction)
public static DirectedEdgedGraph<T, E> Generate(T root, Func<T, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<T, E>>> expandFunction, IEqualityComparer<T> comparer)
public static DirectedEdgedGraph<T, E> Generate(IEnumerable<T> roots, Func<T, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<T, E>>> expandFunction)
public static DirectedEdgedGraph<T, E> Generate(IEnumerable<T> roots, Func<T, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<T, E>>> expandFunction, IEqualityComparer<T> comparer)
public struct Edge<T,E>
public readonly T From;
public readonly T To;
public readonly E Value;
Now, we are going to make an example of using DirectedEdgedGraph to model a graph with values attached to each edge.
Moreover, we are going to model a cyclic graph here, so we will need special care to help some operations to finish, or they will be get stuck in an infinite loop.
This is the graph to model:
DirectedEdgedGraph<char, int> dg = new DirectedEdgedGraph<char, int>
{'A','B', 2},
{'B','C', 5},
{'B','D', 2},
{'C','D', 2},
{'C','A', 4},
{'D','A', 1},
{'D','C', 1},
dg.ToString(); // A=>[2->B]; B=>[5->C],[2->D]; C=>[2->D],[4->A]; D=>[1->A],[1->C];
dg.ToString(", "); // A, B, C, D
dg.Edges.ToString(", "); // A->B, B->C, B->D, C->D, C->A, D->A, D->C
dg.EdgesWithValue.ToString(", "); // A-2->B, B-5->C, B-2->D, C-2->D, C-4->A, D-1->A, D-1->C
dg.RelatedTo('C').ToString(", "); //[D, 2], [A, 4]
dg.InverseRelatedTo('C').ToString(", "); //B, D
//DepthExplore and BreadthExplore does no make any considerations about cycle
//so in order for the algorithm to finish you have to control cycles manually:
HashSet<char> visited = new HashSet<char>();
dg.DepthExplore('B', c => !visited.Contains(c), c => { visited.Add(c); Console.Write(c + ", "); }, null);
//Returns: B, C, D, A,
HashSet<char> visited = new HashSet<char>();
dg.DepthExplore('B', c => !visited.Contains(c), c => visited.Add(c), c => Console.Write(c + ", "));
//Returns: A, D, C, B,
HashSet<char> visited = new HashSet<char>();
dg.BreadthExplore('B', c => !visited.Contains(c), c => { visited.Add(c); Console.Write(c + ", "); });
//Returns: B, C, D, A,
//Small set of edges that, if removed, will make the graph acyclic
var back = dg.FeedbackEdgeSet(); //A=>[2->B]; B=>; C=>[2->D]; D=>;
var dg2 = dg.Clone();
//A=>; B=>[5->C],[2->D]; C=>[4->A]; D=>[1->A],[1->C];
dg2.CompilationOrder().ToString(", "); //A, C, D, B
dg2.CompilationOrderGroups().ToString(g => "[" + g.ToString(",") + "]", ", "); //[A], [C], [D], [B]
dg.Colapse(c => c == 'A').ToString(); //B=>C,D; C=>B,D; D=>B,C; (removing 'A' but keeping edges)
dg.WhereEdges(e => e.Value > 2).ToString(); // A=>; B=>[5->C]; C=>[4->A]; D=>;
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