Signum Documentation

The documentation comes from the Markdown files in the source code, so is always up-to-date but available only in English. Enjoy!

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Administrator class is the main facade for making modifications to create the database schema, synchronize it, or do administrative operations or abuses of the system that belong to load applications, not to typical production code.


TotalGenerationScript executes the pipeline of events in Schema.GenerationScripts that generates all the SqlPreCommands to clean the database and re-generate the database schema from Scratch.

public static SqlPreCommand TotalGenerationScript()

TotalGeneration also invokes all the leaves in the SqlPreCommand, effectively re-creating the Schema.

public static void TotalGeneration()

Avoid calling this method on a production database.


TotalSynchronizeScript executes the pipeline of events in Schema.SynchronizationScript that generates all the SqlPreCommands to adapt the current database schema to the required one, adding, removing, modifying or renaming tables, columns, indexes, foreign key, constraints and certain special rows, like enums, types, symbols, queries, etc....

public static SqlPreCommand TotalSynchronizeScript(bool interactive = true)


Checks if a table is already created in the database. Useful when syncing.

public static bool ExistTable<T>()
public static bool ExistTable(Type type)
public static bool ExistTable(Table table)


Retrieves all the entities in a table, if the table exists and taking potential renames into account. Useful when syncing.

public static List<T> TryRetrieveAll<T>(Replacements replacements) where T : Entity
public static List<Entity> TryRetrieveAll(Type type, Replacements replacements)


Allows changing read-only properties with a backing field if necessary. Also usefull for UnsafeInsert.

public static T SetReadonly<T, V>(this T ident, Expression<Func<T, V>> readonlyProperty, V value)
    where T : ModifiableEntity


BugEntity bug = new BugEntity().SetReadonly(b => b.CreationDate, DateTime.Now);


Forces an entity to have a particular id. Useful loading legacy data when combined with DisableIdentity.

public static T SetId<T>(this T ident, int? id)
    where T : Entity


BugEntity bug = new BugEntity().SetId(10);


Disables the identity mechanism in SQL Server to allow saving entities with forced ids (using SetId), and changes the behavior of the Table to include the Id in different INSERT commands. Avoid using it in multi-threaded scenarios. This method has to be called inside of a Transaction scope.

public static IDisposable DisableIdentity(Table table)

There are also overloads to simplify using it for Entity tables and MList tables.

public static IDisposable DisableIdentity<T>()
public static IDisposable DisableIdentity<T, V>(Expression<Func<T, MList<V>>> mListField)
          where T : Entity

Low-level method to disables the identity mechanism in SQL Server only.

public static IDisposable DisableIdentity(ObjectName tableName)


Shortcut to save an entities (or collection of entities), creating a Transaction and calling DisableIdentity.

public static void SaveDisableIdentity<T>(T entities) where T : Entity
public static void SaveListDisableIdentity<T>(IEnumerable<T> entities) where T : Entity

SetNew and SetNotModified

Allows to fake new entities as non-new, non-modified entities. Useful for saving entities without retrieving some of the parts.

public static T SetNew<T>(this T ident) where T : Entity
public static T SetNotModified<T>(this T ident) where T : Modifiable
public static T SetNotModifiedGraph<T>(this T ident, int id)  where T : Entity


new NoteEntity()
   Target = new BugEntity().SetNotModifiedGraph(1); // refers to BugEntity 1 without retrieving it


Shortcut to remove duplicated of an entity T by a key, removing the element with greater Id.

public static int RemoveDuplicates<T, S>(Expression<Func<T, S>> key)
   where T : Entity
    return (from f1 in Database.Query<T>()
            join f2 in Database.Query<T>() on key.Evaluate(f1) equals key.Evaluate(f2)
            where f1.Id > f2.Id
            select f1).UnsafeDelete();


If the definition of ToString changes in an entity, the cached ToStr column will get outdated.

This family of methods help you update the ToStr column by retrieving the entities in intervals and update the ToStr column using UnsafeUpdate one by one.

public static void UpdateToStrings<T>() where T : Entity, new()
public static void UpdateToStrings<T>(IQueryable<T> query) where T : Entity, new()

Or if an expression is provided to calculate the ToStr, do all the work in just one UnsafeUpdate.

public static void UpdateToStrings<T>(Expression<Func<T, string>> expression) where T : Entity, new()
public static void UpdateToStrings<T>(IQueryable<T> query, Expression<Func<T, string>> expression) where T : Entity, new()


Prepares a table for a batch load by disableForeignKeys, disableMultipleIndexes and disableUniqueIndexes. Can significantly improve performance in long load applications.

public static IDisposable PrepareForBatchLoadScope<T>(
	bool disableForeignKeys = true, 
    bool disableMultipleIndexes = true, 
    bool disableUniqueIndexes = false) where T : Entity

public static IDisposable PrepareTableForBatchLoadScope(ITable table, 
	bool disableForeignKeys, 
	bool disableMultipleIndexes, 
	bool disableUniqueIndexes)


using(Administrator.PrepareTableForBatchLoadScope<BugEntity>()) //Disables FKs and Indexes

   //Load one zillion bugs here

} //Restores FKs and Indexes


Drops all the unique indexes in a table, sometimes necessary to avoid temporal duplication. Will be restored when synchronized.

public static void DropUniqueIndexes<T>() where T : Entity


Moves all the possible foreign keys from an oldEntity to a newEntity. Useful if the two entities where duplicates.

//Just generates the script, use ExecuteLeaves to execute it
public static SqlPreCommand MoveAllForeignKeysScript<T>(Lite<T> oldEntity, Lite<T> newEntity)
   where T : Entity

//Executes the scripts using a SafeConsole.WaitRows indicator
public static void MoveAllForeignKeysConsole<T>(Lite<T> oldEntity, Lite<T> newEntity)
   where T : Entity


Uses SqlBulkCopy to load a set of entities in the database as fast as possible. Only simple inserts will be made, with no graph analysis or validation taking place.

public static void BulkInsert<T>(IEnumerable<T> entities, 
            SqlBulkCopyOptions options = SqlBulkCopyOptions.Default) 
            where T : Entity

The operation will be embedded in the current transaction if SqlBulkCopyOptions.UseInternalTransaction is not set.

The Id for the entities should be set if the table does not have Identity=true.

Finally, in order to insert entities with MList, a call to BulkInsertMList is necessary.

public static void BulkInsertMList<E, V>(Expression<Func<E, MList<V>>> mListProperty,
    IEnumerable<MListElement<E, V>> entities,
    SqlBulkCopyOptions options = SqlBulkCopyOptions.Default)
    where E : Entity