Signum Documentation

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UnsafeUpdate extension method let you create efficient low-level UPDATE statements without retrieving the entities and modifying them one by one.

The method is call Unsafe for reason: Validation won't take place in this low-level method.

Still, you'll have a compile-time checked LINQ experience, with security and query filtering also taking place.

This methods are low-level and produce just one UPDATE statement. Modifying more than one table at the same time is not allowed, this includes modifying collection properties.

There are four variations of UnsafeUpdate, for entities and MListElements, and for simpler or wider context (Part termination).

In all of the variation PreUnsafeUpdate will be called in EntityEvents before any UPDATE is executed:


This is the simplest version, allows updating properties in the main table of an entity. In order to do that we need the collaboration of three methods: UnsafeUpdate, Set and Execute.

public static IUpdateable<E> UnsafeUpdate<E>(this IQueryable<E> query)
	where E : Entity

public interface IUpdateable<T> : IUpdateable
    IUpdateable<T> Set<V>(
		Expression<Func<T, V>> propertyExpression, 
		Expression<Func<T, V>> valueExpression);

public static int Execute(this IUpdateable update)


int updated = Database.Query<BugEntity>()
             .Where(b => b.Description.StartsWith("A"))
             .Set(b => b.Description, b => b.Description + " Updated!")
             .Set(b => b.Start, b => b.Start.AddDays(1))

Translates to:

  Description = (ISNULL(s2.Description, '') + ' Updated!'),  --SqlParameters inlined
  Start = DATEADD(day, 1, s2.Start)
  (SELECT TOP (10) bdn.Id, bdn.Description, bdn.Start
  FROM BugEntity AS bdn
  WHERE bdn.Description LIKE ('A' + '%'))
) AS s2
WHERE (BugEntity.Id = s2.Id);

SELECT @@rowcount

Notice how:

  1. UnsafeUpdate returns a IUpdateable<T>, starting the Set sequence.
  2. Once there we can add as many Set as we need, each with an propertyExpression and a valueExpression.
  3. Finally we call Execute to actually send the UPDATE command.

It's easy to forget the last Execute call, so it's a good idea to start all the update queries assigning the affected rows in an int (not var!) variable like in the example.

The current API is definitely more complicated that we would like, but scales better to more complex examples, like updating read-only properties or mixins:

int updated = Database.Query<BugEntity>()
             .Where(b => b.Description.StartsWith("A"))
             .Set(b => b.SetReadonly(b2 => b2.CreationDate), b => DateTime.Now)
             .Set(b => b.Mixin<CorruptMixin>().Corrupt, b => false)


This variation let you have a wider context for your valueExpression. Even if at the end the query only updates one table, using UnsafeUpdatePart we can join many tables to get values from them.

public static IUpdateablePart<A, E> UnsafeUpdatePart<A, E>(this IQueryable<A> query, 
	Expression<Func<A, E>> partSelector)
	where E : Entity

public interface IUpdateablePart<A, T> : IUpdateable
    IUpdateablePart<A, T> Set<V>(
		Expression<Func<T, V>> propertyExpression, 
		Expression<Func<A, V>> valueExpression);

public static int Execute(this IUpdateable update)

Notice how now UnsafeUpdatePart returns a IUpdateablePart<A, E> where A represents the wider context (often an anonymous type), and E is the entity.

  • The propertyExpression should be a property of the entity E.
  • The valueExpression could be any expression from the whider context A.


int updated = Database.Query<BugEntity>()
             .Where(b => b.Description.StartsWith("A"))
             .UnsafeUpdatePart(b => b.Fixer)
             .Set(d => d.Name, b => b.Fixer.Name + "Fixer of" + b.Description)

Here we need information of the BugEntity to update the DeveloperEntity in the Fixer property.

That gets translated to:

UPDATE DeveloperEntity SET 
  Name = (ISNULL((ISNULL(s2.Name, '') + 'Fixer of'), '') + ISNULL(s2.Description, '')) 
  (SELECT TOP (10) bdn.idFixer, ddn.Name, bdn.Description
  FROM BugEntity AS bdn
  LEFT OUTER JOIN DeveloperEntity AS ddn
    ON (bdn.idFixer = ddn.Id)
  WHERE bdn.Description LIKE ('A' + '%')) --SqlParameters inlined
) AS s2
WHERE (DeveloperEntity.Id = s2.idFixer);

SELECT @@rowcount


Using UnsafeUpdateMList you can also execute UPDATE commands on MListTables.

public static IUpdateable<MListElement<E, V>> UnsafeUpdateMList<E, V>(this IQueryable<MListElement<E, V>> query)
    where E : Entity

public interface IUpdateable<T> : IUpdateable
    IUpdateable<T> Set<V>(
		Expression<Func<T, V>> propertyExpression, 
		Expression<Func<T, V>> valueExpression);

public static int Execute(this IUpdateable update)

UnsafeUpdateMList is exactly like UnsafeUpdate, but taking an IQueryable<MListElement<E, V>> instead.

The propertyExpression and valueExpression can now access and set properties of the MListElement<E, V>, including implicit internal columns like RowID, Parent, Order, etc..

Example using MListElements expression:

int updated = Database.MListQuery((BugEntity b)=> b.Comments)
             .Where(mle => mle.Element.Text.StartsWith("Hi"))
             .Set(mle => mle.Order, mle => mle.Order + 1)
             .Set(mle => mle.Element.Text, mle => mle.Element.Text + "- reordered")

Translates to:

  Text = (ISNULL(s2.Text, '') + '- reordered') --SqlParameters inlined
  (SELECT TOP (10) bdnc.Id, bdnc.Text
  FROM BugDNComments AS bdnc
  WHERE bdnc.Text LIKE ('Hi' + '%'))
) AS s2
WHERE (BugDNComments.Id = s2.Id);

SELECT @@rowcount


Closing the circle, with UnsafeUpdateMListPart you can send UPDATE commands on MListTables, and also have a wider scope to get values from.

public static IUpdateablePart<A, MListElement<E, V>> UnsafeUpdateMListPart<A, E, V>(this IQueryable<A> query, 
	Expression<Func<A, MListElement<E, V>>> partSelector)
    where E : Entity

public interface IUpdateablePart<A, T> : IUpdateable
    IUpdateablePart<A, T> Set<V>(
		Expression<Func<T, V>> propertyExpression, 
		Expression<Func<A, V>> valueExpression);

public static int Execute(this IUpdateable update)

Now let's make a mor complex example, movin the Comment from a BugEntity to the inmediately next, if exists:

var updated = (from b1 in Database.Query<BugEntity>()
               join b2 in Database.Query<BugEntity>() on b1.Start equals b2.End
               from mle in b1.MListElements(b => b.Comments)
               select new { mle, b2 })
               .UnsafeUpdateMListPart(a => a.mle)
               .Set(mle => mle.Parent, a => a.b2)

Translated to:

  idParent = s5.Id1
  (SELECT s4.Id, bdn1.Id AS Id1
  FROM BugEntity AS bdn
  INNER JOIN BugEntity AS bdn1
    ON (bdn.Start = bdn1.[End])
    (SELECT bdnc.Id
    FROM BugDNComments AS bdnc
    WHERE (bdnc.idParent = bdn.Id))
  ) AS s4)
) AS s5
WHERE (BugDNComments.Id = s5.Id);

SELECT @@rowcount