Signum Documentation

The documentation comes from the Markdown files in the source code, so is always up-to-date but available only in English. Enjoy!

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LINQ SQL Functions

There are some .Net functions that are supported by Linq to Signum and will be translated to Sql equivalents, so you have compile-time checking and you can forget about what the name of the function in Sql was. The list:

String Functions

.Net Function SQL Function
a.Length LEN(a)
a.IndexOf(b) CHARINDEX(b, a) -1
a.IndexOf(b, i) CHARINDEX(b, a, i + 1 ) - 1
a.Trim() LTRIM(RTRIM(a))
a.TrimStart() LTRIM(a)
a.TrimEnd() RTRIM(a)
a.ToLower() LOWER(a)
a.ToUpper() UPPER(a)
a.TrimStart() LTRIM(a)
a.TrimEnd() RTRIM(a)
a.Replace(b,c) REPLACE(a, b, c)
a.Substring(i,j) SUBSTRING(a, i + 1, j)
a.Contains(b) a LIKE '%' + b + '%'
a.StartWith(b) a LIKE b + '%'
a.EndsWith(b) a LIKE '%' + b
a.Start(i)* LEFT( a, i)
a.End(i)* RIGHT( a, i)
a.Replicate(n)* REPLICATE( a, n )
a.Reverse()* REVERSE(a)
a.Like(b)* a LIKE b
a.Etc(max, "...") a
  • Extension methods defined in Signum.Utilities. They work in-memory code too.

DateTime Functions

.Net Function Sql function
DateTime.Now GETDATE()
a.Year YEAR(a)
a.Month MONTH(a)
a.Day DAY(a) - 1
a.DayOfYear DATEPART(dayofyear, a)
a.Hour DATEPART(hour, a)
a.Minute DATEPART(minute, a)
a.Second DATEPART(second, a)
a.Millisecond DATEPART(millisecond, a)
a.Date CONVERT(Date, a, 101)
a.TimeOfDay CONVERT(Time, bdn.Start)
a.DayOfWeek DATEPART(weekday, bdn.Start) - 1)
a.MonthStart()* DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, 0, a), 0)
a.WeekNumber()* DATEPART(week, a)
a.Add(ts) day + ts
a.Substract(ts) day - ts
a.AddDays(i) DATEADD(day, i, a)
a.AddHours(i) DATEADD(hour, i, a)
a.AddMilliseconds(i) DATEADD(millisecond, i, a)
a.AddMinutes(i) DATEADD(minute, i, a)
a.AddMonths(i) DATEADD(month, i, a)
a.AddSeconds(i) DATEADD(second, i, a)
a.AddYears(i) DATEADD(year, i, a)
a.YearsTo(b) diff = DATEDIFF(year, a, b); CASE WHEN (DATEADD(year, diff, a) > b) THEN (diff - 1) ELSE diff END
a.MonthsTo(b) diff = DATEDIFF(month, a, b); CASE WHEN (DATEADD(month, diff, a) > b) THEN (diff - 1) ELSE diff END
  • Extension methods defined in Signum.Utilities. They work in-memory code too.

TimeSpan Functions

.Net Function SQL Function
a.Hour DATEPART(hour, a)
a.Minute DATEPART(minute, a)
a.Second DATEPART(second, a)
a.Millisecond DATEPART(millisecond, a)
(a-b).TotalDays DATEDIFF(day, b, a)
(a-b).TotalHours DATEDIFF(hour, b, a)
(a-b).TotalMilliseconds DATEDIFF(millisecond, b, a)
(a-b).TotalSeconds DATEDIFF(second, b, a)
(a-b).TotalMinutes DATEDIFF(minute, b, a)
  • Extension methods defined in Signum.Utilities. They work in-memory code too.

Math Functions

.Net Function Sql function
Math.Pi() PI()
Math.Sign(a) SIGN(a)
Math.Abs(a) ABS(a)
Math.Sin(a) SIN(a)
Math.Asin(a) ASIN(a)
Math.Cos(a) COS(a)
Math.Acos(a) ACOS(a)
Math.Tan(a) TAN(a)
Math.Atan(a) ATAN(a)
Math.Atan2(a,b) ATN2(a, b)
Math.Pow(a,b) POW(a,b)
Math.Sqrt(a) SQRT(a)
Math.Exp(a) EXP(a)
Math.Floor(a) FLOOR(a)
Math.Log10(a) Log10(a)
Math.Log(a) Log(a)
Math.Ceiling(a) CEILING(a)
Math.Round(a) ROUND(a)
Math.Truncate(a) Truncate(a)
decimal.Parse(a) CAST(a as Decimal)
double.Parse(a) CAST(a as Double)
float.Parse(a) CAST(a as Float)
byte.Parse(a) CAST(a as Byte)
short.Parse(a) CAST(a as Short)
int.Parse(a) CAST(a as Int)
long.Parse(a) CAST(a as Long)