Signum Documentation

The documentation comes from the Markdown files in the source code, so is always up-to-date but available only in English. Enjoy!

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Introduction to Signum.Entities

Signum Entities is the assembly that contains the base entities and attributes for modeling your entities.

Designing your entities is the central task building an application in Signum Framework, the rest of the application will be affected by the shape of the entities, including:

  • Database schema
  • Validation
  • Serialization
  • Big influence in user interface.

Let's start by the most controversial design decisions:

No POCO support

Every entity has to inherit from some of the base classes in Signum.Entities, so there's no POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) support.

On the other side, Signum Entities base classes are just plain classes, with normal fields and properties (no virtual magic) and provide some useful features out-of-the-box:

  • Embedded change tracking using the Set method.
  • Implement INotifyPropertyChanged so they can be used as WPF View-Models.
  • Complete solution for validation implementing IDataErrorInfo and using ValidationAttributes, PropertyCheck, etc...
  • Concurrency support.
  • Support for auto-wiring child entity events
  • ...

Automatic Database Schema

Traditionally this has mean that you need to write the application from scratch but recently we allow some kind of flexibility in the Schema mapping using attributes and code generation (see Legacy Databases tutorial) to get started if you already have a legacy database.

Still, after this initial step, Signum Framework promotes that the entities shape the schema and the database just follows.


  • If you want to be able to access your data quickly by drag and dropping some tables to a designer, use LINQ to SQL or Entity Framework.
  • If you want to create a long-lasting application and save time writing the user interface, business logic, and be able to reuse already made vertical modules because chose Signum Framework:


People prefer to see the utility of things from the very beginning and follow a top-down approach, so let's start at the end. The next example shows an entity defining a Computer using a lot of the Signum.Entities' available features.

[Serializable, EntityKind(EntityKind.Main, EntityData.Transactional)]
public class ComputerEntity : Entity
    string serialNumber;
    [StringLengthValidator(AllowNulls = false, Min = 10, Max = 12)]
    public string SerialNumber
        get { return serialNumber; }
        set { Set(ref serialNumber, value); }

    ProcessorEntity processor;
    public ProcessorEntity Processor
        get { return processor; }
        set { Set(ref processor, value); }

    Lite<ComputerBrandEntity> brand;
    public Lite<ComputerBrandEntity> Brand
        get { return brand; }
        set { Set(ref brand, value); }

    [ImplementedBy(typeof(HardDiskEntity), typeof(SolidStateDriveEntity))]
    IDrive drive;
    public IDrive Drive
        get { return drive; }
        set { Set(ref drive, value); }

    MList<MemoryModuleEntity> memoryModules;
    public MList<MemoryModuleEntity> MemoryModules
        get { return memoryModules; }
        set { Set(ref memoryModules, value); }

    ComputerState computerState;
    public ComputerState ComputerState
        get { return computerState; }
        set { Set(ref computerState, value); }

    static Expression<Func<ComputerEntity, string>> ToStringExpression = e => e.SerialNumber;
    public override string ToString()
        return ToStringExpression.Evaluate(this);

public enum ComputerState

Some things to notice:

  • The entity is Serializable. This is mandatory in order to send the entities to a client application using WCF (Signum.Windows), or store new entities temporally in the view (Signum.Web).

  • The EntityKind attribute classifies the entity as EntityKind.Main and EntityData.Transactional. This allows the framework to provide better default behaviour at many levels (cache, user interface buttons, ordering results...). See more in Entity Kind.

  • The entity inherits from the Entity class. See more about Base Entities.

  • The first field, serialNumber, is just a plain old int field with a UniqueIndexAttribute over it to create an index on the database. See More about Field Attributes

  • The property SerialNumber, as any other, uses Set method to make the assignment. This is useful for Change Tracking.

  • The property SerialNumber has a StringLengthValidatorAttribute to enforce that the string is non null and between 10 and 12 characters. See more about Validation.

  • The Processor field and property have the type ProcessorEntity. A foreign key to the ProcessorEntity's table will be created in the database.

  • Since ComputerBrandEntity is a heavy entity, the developer uses a Lite<T> to make the association to it. Take a look at Lite.

  • There are two kinds of drives, HardDisk and SolidStateDrive, each one will have its' own table. By using ImplementedByAttribute you get a polymorphic foreign key. See more about this in Inheritance.

  • You can have more than one memory module in a computer. Entities uses MList<T> to model One-to-Many and Many-to-Many relationships. Know more in MList.

  • A computer can be in four states defined in a enum. Enums don't have the flexibility to change at run-time, but when logic depends on them they can be very convenient. Signum Entities have friction-free support for Enums.

  • The framework needs to know the ToString representation of any entity and usually stores this value in a ToStr column when saving. In this case however ToString has been defined using a Expression, and is smart enough to save the redundant column in this case.

Generated Tables

Let's see now how this entity will be represented in the database.

CREATE TABLE ComputerEntity(
  SerialNumber NVARCHAR(12) NOT NULL,
  idProcessor INT NULL,
  idBrand INT NULL,
  idDrive_HardDisk INT NULL,
  idDrive_SolidStateDrive INT NULL,
  idComputerState INT NOT NULL

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX UIX_SerialNumber ON ComputerEntity(SerialNumber)
CREATE INDEX IX_idProcessor ON ComputerEntity(idProcessor)
CREATE INDEX IX_idBrand ON ComputerEntity(idBrand)
CREATE INDEX IX_idDrive_HardDisk ON ComputerEntity(idDrive_HardDisk)
CREATE INDEX IX_idDrive_SolidStateDrive ON ComputerEntity(idDrive_SolidStateDrive)
CREATE INDEX IX_idComputerState ON ComputerEntity(idComputerState)

ALTER TABLE ComputerEntity ADD CONSTRAINT FK_ComputerDN_idProcessor FOREIGN KEY (idProcessor) REFERENCES ProcessorEntity(Id)
ALTER TABLE ComputerEntity ADD CONSTRAINT FK_ComputerDN_idBrand FOREIGN KEY (idBrand) REFERENCES ComputerBrandEntity(Id)
ALTER TABLE ComputerEntity ADD CONSTRAINT FK_ComputerDN_idDrive_HardDisk FOREIGN KEY (idDrive_HardDisk) REFERENCES HardDiskEntity(Id)
ALTER TABLE ComputerEntity ADD CONSTRAINT FK_ComputerDN_idDrive_SolidStateDrive FOREIGN KEY (idDrive_SolidStateDrive) REFERENCES SolidStateDriveEntity(Id)
ALTER TABLE ComputerEntity ADD CONSTRAINT FK_ComputerDN_idComputerState FOREIGN KEY (idComputerState) REFERENCES ComputerState(Id)

As you can see, the table ComputerEntity is quite similar to the entity itself, but there are some interesting differences:

  • As any Entity, it has a auto-numeric primary key with name Id.
  • In this case we don't have the ToStr column because we used ToStringExpression.
  • Ticks field is inherited from Entity to control concurrency.
  • SerialNumber is NOT NULL and has length 12, determined by the field attributes.
  • idProcessor is a foreign keys to ProcessorEntity. Is nullable because is a reference type and the framework tries to reduce type mismatch.
  • Similarly, idBrand is a foreign key to ComputerBrandEntity. Lite<T> has no effect at the database level.
  • The field drive is represented in to columns: idDrive_HardDisk and idDrive_SolidStateDrive, following the directives of ImplmentedByAttribute. See more about Inheritance.
  • There's no column to represent the memoryModules because is a MList<MemoryModuleEntity>, instead a table is created:
CREATE TABLE ComputerDNMemoryModule(
  idParent INT NOT NULL,
  idMemoryModuleEntity INT NULL

CREATE INDEX IX_idParent ON ComputerDNMemoryModules(idParent)
CREATE INDEX IX_idMemoryModuleEntity ON ComputerDNMemoryModules(idMemoryModuleEntity)

ALTER TABLE ComputerDNMemoryModules ADD CONSTRAINT FK_ComputerDNMemoryModules_idParent FOREIGN KEY (idParent) REFERENCES ComputerEntity(Id)
ALTER TABLE ComputerDNMemoryModules ADD CONSTRAINT FK_ComputerDNMemoryModules_idMemoryModuleEntity FOREIGN KEY (idMemoryModuleEntity) REFERENCES MemoryModuleEntity(Id)

Notice how this table contains an auto-numeric primary key Id, a idParent referencing the computer, and a reference to MemoryModuleEntity table because MemoryModuleEntity inherits from Entity.

  • Finally, look how computerState is also a foreign key, but is NOT NULL because enums are value types. The framework even creates the table and inserts the enum values, keeping the Ids in sync with the enum numeric values.
CREATE TABLE ComputerState(

INSERT ComputerState (Id, ToStr)
 VALUES (0, 'Demanded')

INSERT ComputerState (Id, ToStr)
 VALUES (1, 'OnStock')

INSERT ComputerState (Id, ToStr)
 VALUES (2, 'Shipped')

INSERT ComputerState (Id, ToStr)
 VALUES (3, 'Sold')