One step beyond CRM and Tracking software

Collaboration is a solution that join the features of a CRM and project planning and tracking software to drive the efforts of the company in a joint and coherent vision.

The email is overcome

Today everything must be connected, and incoming email about a task is not useful if you are not in the task itself. When you have to transcribe manually all the details from emails to the project or task there is a performance bottleneck and a lost of time and effort that, instead, should be used to make the own task. Email inbox should not be the TODO list, the tasks should be.

Unify the efforts of your company

All the information of every task and project classified, messages recevied and sent attached to their tasks, integrated plannification and scheduling, worked hours management, requirements and specifications... Crew from all departments share and use the information in a new level of collaboration.

Realistic plannifications

Every task update automatically its estimated time when the crew adds worked hours. Items can specify the priority to allow making critical works before others. Custom holidays calendar per user and continuous times calcullation when added new taks shows all the time a realistic plannification of the workload.

Task tracking

All the messages referring a task are attached to it. Inital and additional requirements, the worked hours, the different estimations and deviations from initial planning are registered in the system. So at anytime task can be checked to see why a task is exeeding scheduled times or needs more worked hours to get acomplished.

Performance analysis

The system can show real-time reports with statistics by projects, clients, departments, workers, worked hours... So managers can evaluate the performance of every side of the process. Control panels can be added to check on an esay way critical data about project or tasks.

Worked hours and invoicing

The system registers all the worked hours and allocations for every task and project. So invoicing is a very simple process, recruiting automatically all the works of the task included in the range to invoice. The system also allows non chargeable works for all the jobs included in the price, guarantees or assumed costs.

One Solution, Many Applications

Collaboration can be used in a wide range of scenarios and companies. It is a flexible product that can be deployed in different types of business to improve performance substantially. Some examples:

Law firms

Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus etiam sem...

Software Development

Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus etiam sem...

Engineering Companies

Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus etiam sem...


Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus etiam sem...

Installation Modes

Cloud Application

With the Cloud mode the application is hosted on our servers, saving significantly maintenance costs.

As it is in the Cloud, there is no hosting or housing expenses, there are no fees for transferring data ... simply pay per use, in such a way that the price always evolve with the use of the platform.

The service in the Cloud also offers security: all data are protected in accordance with the laws and backups are done daily to ensure that you can retrieve the information in case of any contingency.

Moreover, with this modality all updates of the platform, bugfixes and improvements to the functionality are automatically applied without additional cost. Without administrative expenses or maintenance equipment, everything is done automatically and in the cloud.

Advantages of the cloud:

Pay per use

No permanence commitment

Continuous updates

Daily backup

No server and maintenance costs


Local installation

With the local mode what you get is a license to install the platform in customer's servers, either in your own CPD or the hosting service that you want to use.

With this mode you only have to pay a single time to acquire the license for use, without additional expenses. In addition, you can hire the services of support and maintenance on the platform.

The platform is installed on the servers of the client and, once you have completed the process of implementation, the client's IT crew is responsible for the maintenance of the systems and servers.

Once the platform is installed future released updates with improvements to functionality and new versions can be acquired.

Advantages of the local installation:

Single payment for the acquisition of the license

Installation in the client's servers

Possibility to hire maintenance and support

Total control of the hardware elements

Possibility to purchase upgrades

Monthly Pricing for Cloud Application

This are the prices for the Cloud Application. If you want the Local Installation contact us.

Big Packfrom 51 users

6.50 Per User

  • Cloud Storage
  • Daily Backup
  • Remote support
  • 10 GB Disckspace *

Medium Pack11 to 50 users

8.00 Per User

  • Cloud Storage
  • Daily Backup
  • Remote support
  • 10 GB Disckspace *

Small PackUp to 10 users

10.00 Per User

  • Cloud Storage
  • Daily Backup
  • Remote support
  • 10 GB Disckspace *